Upping the Anti Reading Group on Rosa Luxemburg’s Mass Strike

Join Upping the Anti with a discussion of Rosa Luxemburg’s text: The Mass Strike, the Political Party and the Trade Unions
Please register via Eventbrite as we will cap the meeting to 20 participants.
Please join Upping the Anti: A Journal of Theory and Action with our first reading group. Snacks and the BEST CONVERSATION YOU’LL EVER HAVE will be provided.
Facilitated by Sara Swerdlyk
By donation (to cover costs of snacks and honouria). If you are needing childcare for this event, please contact .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
Sunday April 7th
1 PM - 4 PM
Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, room 8170 (8th floor)
252 Bloor Street West
Closest accessible subway station: St. George
Reflecting on 100 years of Rosa Luxemburg’s assassination and 100 years since the Winnipeg General Strike, we’d like to invite folks in a discussion of Rosa Luxemburg’s important text - The Mass Strike, the Political Party and the Trade Unions.
Link to the text is here: https://www.marxists.org/archive/luxemburg/download/mass-str.pdf
With this text, we want to explore the relevance of Luxemburg’s theory of building mass struggle in the current context of working-class and labour politics (locally, nationally or internationally). With the election of Doug Ford Conservatives and people often stating we need a general strike, what does this mean right now? What would it mean to build it? How do we think of the mass strike in relation to growing precarity of workers of colour and workers with temporary or non-status?
This reading group is meant for anyone seasoned or new to theory. If this is your first time reading Rosa Luxemburg, please feel come! Our facilitator will provide context and history to the text, and we welcome everyone to provide their own interpretations and knowledge. Also if you haven’t read the text or haven’t finished, we welcome anyone to participate. But please skim the document as much as you can! 😊
Bio of Sara: Sara is a PhD candidate in sociology at Central European University and a sessional faculty member in politics and economics at Humber College. She is also active in political organizing for student-worker solidarity and refugee rights in Hungary. Sara once hosted a community radio show about Rosa Luxemburg called Rosas are Red, which explored the life and theory of who she considers to be European history’s most interesting socialist.
Upping the Anti: A Journal of Theory and Action is a revolutionary journal founded in 2005. We strike to document radical, anti-capitalist movements nationally and internationally and provide a platform for activists, organizers and revolutionaries to reflect and theorize on building revolutionary change.
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