
  • News

    Story Ideas for UTA 11

    We are currently looking for story ideas for UTA 11, which will be released in October of 2010. If you have an idea for a story, interview, roundtable, or book review you would like to see published in our journal, please send us a one page pitch by June 16th, 2009.

  • News

    Launch Party

    Issue #9 of Upping the Anti is being launched in Toronto at the Concord Cafe: 937 Bloor St. West (at Bloor and Ossington) on Thursday Nov 19th, 2009.

  • News

    Issue #9

    Issue 9 of Upping the Anti is now out, and we’re looking for people who are interested in helping to distribute it! The table of contents of the new issue and the introduction to this issue is available at

  • News

    Seeking New Advisory Board Members

    We are currently seeking new advisory board members.

    As a member of the advisory board, you will help to shape the content of Upping the Anti by participating in story meetings and reviewing and editing submissions. You will develop and discuss ideas, gain writing and publishing skills, and help to produce a publication aimed at strengthening our movements.