Story Ideas for UTA 11
We are currently looking for story ideas for UTA 11, which will be released in October of 2010. If you have an idea for a story, interview, roundtable, or book review you would like to see published in our journal, please send us a one page pitch by June 16th, 2009.
In your pitch, please provide a brief description of the topic of your investigation, your main questions, an account of how you will address these questions, as well as a brief biographical note.
Before submitting a pitch, we encourage you to read back issues in order to familiarize yourself with the kind of writing that we publish. We also encourage you to have a look at the UPPING THE ANTI writer’s guide, which can be downloaded below.
Pitches should be for original stories that have not been submitted or published elsewhere. Please do not send us a pitch that you have simultaneously sent to another publication.
Although we will consider all pitches, we are especially interested in stories about the current economic crisis, contemporary labour organizing, feminism and women’s struggles, disability, international solidarity work, mobilization strategies, Marxism and anarchism in the 21st Century, activist interventions in art and culture, and struggles around questions of sex and sexuality.
We will review your pitch and provide you with feedback. After a pitch has been approved, writers are expected to submit their story by deadline. Deadline for first drafts for ISSUE TEN is January 4, 2010.
Please submit all pitches and direct all queries to .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).