
Writing While Black: Mayworks 2017 workshop

Writing While Black: Exploring Urgency Access and Intersectionality
Workshop 1: Saturday May 6, 11 am - 1 pm
Workshop 2: Saturday May 6, 2 pm - 4 pm
The Public Studio, 58 Lansdowne Ave

Registration is required. To register, visit

Facebook event page:

There is strength within alternative print media that grants unlimited potential for activists of colour to push their movement(s) forward. By remaining independent and localized, grassroots initiatives can utilize zines to propagate information, educate the masses, disrupt mainstream media, take up space in a larger dialogue and organize their communities.

Part group discussion, part reading salon, part creation lab, Writing While Black engages participants in a discussion on zines written by people of colour and specifically the means in which indie print-culture can galvanize movements for racialized people.

The workshop will be broken into three segments: I) a 30-minute discussion about zinesters of colour and their contribution and impact on the political landscape within Canada and internationally, II) a 30-minute reading station in which zines ranging from topics on migrant workers rights, labour movements, race politics, to queer rights etc. will be made available, and III) a 60-minute creation station where participants can make their own political zines with both materials and guidance provided.

Facilitated by Whitney French, founder of From the Root. A nation-wide zine dedicated to showcasing the voices of women of colour in Canada, From the Root seeks to combat the anti-Black racism that is inherent in Canada’s literary scene.

TTC tokens and workshop supplies will be provided.

Co-presented with Our Times Magazine, Shameless Magazine, Nia Centre for the Arts, Tools for Change, The Public, Upping the Anti Journal

Co-sponsored by IBEW 353


Writing While Black is part of the 32nd edition of the Mayworks Festival of Working People and the Arts, taking place from April 28 - May 7, 2017 at various locations around the GTA. The full line-up of all 2017 events may be found here:

Although all Mayworks 2017 events are FREE, we request that you obtain a ticket to the event to guarantee a seat via Eventbrite: